Thursday 25 April 2019

Bed, Bank and Shoreline Protection

Design of shoreline protection along rivers, canals and the sea; load on bed and shoreline by currents, wind waves and ship motion; stability of elements under current and wave conditions; stability of shore protection elements; design methods, construction methods.
Flow: recapitulation of basics from fluid mechanics (flow, turbulence), stability of individual grains (sand, but also rock) in different type of flow conditions (weirs, jets), scour and erosion. Porous Media: basic equation, pressures and velocities on the stability on the boundary layer; groundwater flow with impermeable and semi-impermeable structures; granular filters and geotextiles. Waves: recapitulation of the basics of waves, focus on wave forces on the land-water boundary, specific aspects of ship induced waves, stability of elements under wave action (loose rock, placed blocks, impermeable layers) Design: overview of the various types of protections, construction and maintenance; design requirements, deterministic and probabilistic design; case studies, examples Materials and environment: overview of materials to be used, teraction with the aquatic environment, role of the land-water boundary as part of the ecosystem; environmentally sound shoreline design.



Flow Loads / Turbulence / Reynolds number / Flow over sill / Mixing layer

Flow Stability / Stability of a rock on a bed with current only / Stone stability after stone expansion / Stability of marine gravel

Bed Protection and Turbulence

Flow and Erosion / Erosion / Erosion due to turblence / Erosion behind disturbance

Porous flow, general

Porous flows, filters and introduction to waves and loads / GeoOpenFilter / Production and appliction of geotextiles in hydraulic and geotechnical engineering

Waves and loads / Overtopping over a dike / Waves on a slope / Standing waves / Standing waves with lumps

Waves, Erosion & Stability / Coverlayer on seadikes / Hydroblock placement / Rock slopes and gravel beaches / Basalton / Placing Basalton

Ship loads / Return current / Navigation Bank Protection


Protection / Overtopping in Vlissingen

Environment / Read damping / Environmentally friendly shorelines / Overtopping Belgian dike

Materials in Hydraulic Engineering

Construction / Sinking Anglesey / Tencate Nicolon / Placing matresses manually 1 & 2 / block mat / Armor flex


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